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  • redblazers

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    We're not the ones to post throwaway footage but if your back smiths and back tail slides are so nice, we can't resist. Zack Wilson, filmed by Wessel Koiter.

  • Polacrew: BARCA '22

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    The Polacrew went to Barca and came back with this very gezellige edit! Edit by Lucas Wedel.

  • IzzyBanani - 'SnoekOpti'

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    A new video by (and featuring) Peter Sievert and Gereon Hecht, filmed in the Hague and Maastricht. Photo by Michael Winkeler.

  • Premiere: NULDERTIG

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    Winter is over and to celebrate, we're showing you the 'NULDERTIG' video, straight out of the city that housed our headquarters last year: Utrecht! Featuring Sam Luijten, Florian Laane, Jaap Langenhoff 2.0 and many other locals. Filmed by Sam Luijten, Derek Zomer, Remco Groot &…