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  • Concrete Jungle by Fray Amsterdam

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    • premiere

    A new edit by clothing brand Fray Amsterdam, showcasing their handmade clothes as well as a tasteful selection of skaters. Featuring Björn de Keyser, Wisse de Weerd, Jerrico Garcia, Dirk Broersen, Kadir Kucuk, Emile de Vos and Finn van Elk. Edit by Sammie Automatic.

  • Feelsgood: letsgo

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    A new video from the Antwerpen based Feelsgood crew, led by fisheye master Arthur le Duc. Featuring Logan Da Silva Ortiz, Mano Wolf, Oan Vanhaeverbeke, Tomas de Keulenaer, & Yannes van den Branden.

  • redblazers

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    We're not the ones to post throwaway footage but if your back smiths and back tail slides are so nice, we can't resist. Zack Wilson, filmed by Wessel Koiter.

  • Polacrew: BARCA '22

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    The Polacrew went to Barca and came back with this very gezellige edit! Edit by Lucas Wedel.