With the release of Tobias Steenbergen's part in Bruno Rocha's 'Labirinto' full length today, we figured it would be nice to ask the Houtmood legend about some of his favourite things in life! There's more stuff with Tobias on the agenda for this year, so watch this space...

Top 5 things about…

Living in Barcelona Playa, spots, skateboarding, mountains, the fact it feels like holiday as soon as you finish work.

Zwolle Mom and dad, the river IJssel, the homies, Tommie’s newbalance and the singel are closed but those three I just want to put in the top five for a big shoutout!

Swimming Being one with nature, feels refreshing, healing powers, makes you strong, relaxation.

the Netherlands A hard one.. it’s green and silent, there is a lot of water, family and friends, the west for beach ‘n spots, kibbeling.

Brazilians Ah! Akira utida, Henry Fischer, Tallys jr. Leo Favaro, Tim Maia.. and so much more! Bruno! He’s a good friend! Personality, vision, Labirinto!

Wheels Woah, that’s so difficult since I’ve been skating houtmoodwheels so long now. Let's say Satori for being inspiration. Houtmood sunshines. Satori ptown players, I remember I skated Bones which were good!

Shoes NB 1010, 808, 440, Emerica Figgys, halfcabs, Axion Guy Mariano (the white yellow blue ones). Halfcab for a nice view. My skating just feels the most safe with the Tiagos so I haven't really tried anything else lately.

Breakfast Fruits in the blender, hummus avocado tomato sandwich, oats, burrito, veggie burger.

Late night snack I’m not really going out or something lately, but let's say falafel, eurofries, doobie snack, calamares, toast.

Dutch visitors Not enough… Bert and Lars, Wesley, and you, Shampoo, Rob, my folks.

Video parts Alright, I’ll have to head out and go skate for a bit for this one. Favourite video parts Always change and are so hard to tell, here are five which for sure have been a lot of inspiration and mean a lot to me.

Adelmo jr. in ‘Kayo - It’s Official’ Jahmall Smith in ‘Sabotage 4’ Louie Barletta and Jerry Hsu in ‘Subject to Change’ Karl Watson in ‘It’s Official’ Robbie Holmes in ‘FTC - A Fine Line Between Love & Haight’

That’s five, before I change my mind again! Can I still add Tiago Lemos to my favourite Brazilians?