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  • Tom van den Hoeven's long lost Essay part

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    Let's be honest: almost all footage has an expiration date. However, that does not seems to be the case when it concerns Tom van den Hoeven footage! Filmed and edited by Matthijs Hager.

  • Rendez Vous Skate Co | DOUBLE DATE

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    Featuring Victor De Neys, Cyril André, Clément Berlanger, Alexis Arenas, Maël Debie, Thomas Pierquin Antony Baclene, Jonathan Franc and many more. Filmed in the university village of Louvain-la-Neuve, but also many other cities across Belgium by Philippe Mottet.


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    A new edit by Tobias van Rooij, all filmed inside the warm and cozy Skatepark Haarlem in the midst of a Dutch winter. Featuring Tjerk Oosting, Tycho Henskes, Jim Wessels, Joey Verberkt, Rachid Addou, Florian Dalhuijsen and many more.

  • Collega by Volcom Skate

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    The Volcom Skate EU team on tour through the Netherlands. Featuring Eniz Fazliov, Jorge Simoes, Matisse Banc, Jonathan Vlerick, Jip Koorevaar & Nick Bax. Film by Christian Vankelst, edit by Thomas Courteille.