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all posts tagged with newsletter

  • A menu for our 2022 DSOTY: Tjerk Oosting

    • newsletter

    Because SOTY announcements, or any “hey, you’re the best”-announcement you can think of, are generally an awkward procedure, we decided to skip it altogether. Obviously, Tjerk Oosting is our pick for this year, making him the first skater to win our prestigious Dutch Skater Of th…

    • willem branten
  • Sneep & Robbin - issue #12 interview

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    • interview

    This article was originally published in Essay #12. There must be something in the air, but skating with Jan Maarten Sneep, Robbin de Wit & co. at the Scheveningen beach ledges makes you feel good. It’s like taking a long walk on the beach with your partner, except this one w…

    • sander rodenhuis
    • ziggy schaap
  • Lea's corner: Essay #13 launch

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    • lea's corner

    Normally we'd send Lea to events not organised by ourselves to do this sort of recap writing, but we figured it wouldn't hurt if she'd do her thing at our own event: the launch of issue #13. Essay just came out with its thirteenth issue and celebrated with a cosy launch party at…

    • lea shamaa
  • Valuta 'Wassuppers' premiere write-up

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    "Wooo", "Aaahh", "Ehhhh", and "Wojoo" — these are some of the amazing sounds you hear at any skate video premiere. In a dark room, people are all sitting close together, beer tight in hand, looking at a bright screen, completely entranced b…

    • lea shamaa
  • Wesley from Meerstad - issue #11

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    Have you ever spent an hour on Instagram, clicking around endlessly? Where you start on your homepage, one of your mates posts something, tags a person you don’t know, you start clicking and suddenly you have twenty tabs filled with profiles and/or skaters you’ve never met? Still…

    • sander rodenhuis
  • Premiere & interview: Mitchel Linger - Zorah

    • videos
    • interview
    • newsletter

    This interview was originally published in Essay #12. Read about Mitchel Lingers take on skateboard schools, contests and more down below, then go watch his latest part 'Zorah' up above! One of the worst things about working in skateboard media is doing interviews. The interview…

    • sander rodenhuis
    • frederick walker