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  • Hollandsch Diep - Carhartt WIP by Sneep

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    Sebastiaan Vijverberg, Rob Maatman and Robbin de Wit for Carthartt WIP, with Sneep being the mastermind behind the lens!

  • Sneep & Robbin - issue #12 interview

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    • interview

    This article was originally published in Essay #12. There must be something in the air, but skating with Jan Maarten Sneep, Robbin de Wit & co. at the Scheveningen beach ledges makes you feel good. It’s like taking a long walk on the beach with your partner, except this one w…

    • sander rodenhuis
    • ziggy schaap
  • Video: Lars de Weerd - First Blood

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    Filmed by Kadir Kucuk, Tim Koster, Huub Slinger & Matthijs Tuenter. Edit by Kadir.

  • Worst Angles: Essay #13 x Pi2 sessions at Colosseum Groningen

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    Pi2 Squad hosted a session at Colosseum to celebrate our new issue. Wesley Worst was there to capture it all!

  • Op Vakantie by Robotron Skateboards

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    Our German neighbours from Robotron Skateboard visited our country, not exactly #1 on the list of skateboard-holiday destinations, in the summer and came back with this video!

  • PREMIere: VIER:013

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    We're proud to present a new full length from Tilburg, VIER:013! This successor to Free Booze For Rollers features Justin Stokkerman, Paulo Oliveira, Magic van Heeswijk Hans Daniel van Dorssen and many more!

  • Lea's corner: Essay #13 launch

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    • lea's corner

    Normally we'd send Lea to events not organised by ourselves to do this sort of recap writing, but we figured it wouldn't hurt if she'd do her thing at our own event: the launch of issue #13. Essay just came out with its thirteenth issue and celebrated with a cosy launch party at…

    • lea shamaa
  • Vans - Check Mate

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    All the Benelux favourites, filmed by Ziggy Schaao and Sneep!


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    Amsterdam based Valuta Brand with their second mid-length video of the year :)

  • Valuta 'Wassuppers' premiere write-up

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    "Wooo", "Aaahh", "Ehhhh", and "Wojoo" — these are some of the amazing sounds you hear at any skate video premiere. In a dark room, people are all sitting close together, beer tight in hand, looking at a bright screen, completely entranced b…

    • lea shamaa